09 nites & hapie w it... (go back »)
November 20 2008, 8:48 PM
i completed 09 night shift & im hapie about it....Thanks to Lia!! Money...MOney....Money....Jus reached home and can't get any slip yet, so jus felt like blogging....Days are getting nearer and there's alot of things to do....so tired...wanted to do facial but dun reali want to go alone...my pimples starts to come out,and im freaking out...Hmm...must find someday to go,maybe drag Lia along..she knows betta of places to go huh...Haiz...Des got a new song recorded from You tube in his phone and its so cute...Who knows if Santa will be bringing 03 tooth for Des this Chrismas or maybe 3 new tooth growing overnite..Magic happens sometimes.....hehehe....Who knows if santa also will bring something for us tiz yr...haha (***wishing***) Maybe a purifier that detect fart & sucks all the germs & odour from the harmful substains from that fart. Coz any longger we will die toxicated....I think Santa will help us.i'll put that in the wishing list....hmmm...wat else shd i put..........No idea for now.......But i hope santa will come n grant everyone's wishes...I wish i could own "Happiness" and i wish my Family & friends will always be happy and far from sadness & hatred.....Hope so.....I wish tiz is not the end.....
Im sleepy.....i think its time gggggggggoooo........................
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Santa Claus is coming to town... I want Pressies U want pressies We will jingle down to orchard rd for pressies...lolz
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