
Wat Goes ArounD..ComEs Around...

Finally It arrives....

March 21 2009, 10:51 AM

Phews...At last tomolo its SUNDAY 22nd... my OFF day...super shiok weni think about it....Yup !!! I survived....Hahaha....can\'t wait to go to my Nad\'s engagement tomolo..im so hapie for her...at last its her turn going through wat i wen through...All the best dear...I knw u mus be reali nervous & excited now...Its a great feeling tho...managed to text her well wishes jus now..& yes! she\'s ALL excited...Looking back we all grown up pretty fast huh??Remember those days..that cheeky times?That clubbing times...the up & Down to the drain...hehe...Of coz u do..we always talked about it wen we mit up....Time flies...im gonna mish u even more...Next yr u gonna be someone wifey....& there will be another vow u take for the rest of ur life..NO turning back...OnlY can Gossips & cry about it ....hahaha..dun come to that point...Lets hope this will be a blissful Engagement & more Blossom Everlasting Love till the day u guys old & grey together....insya-allah....

Me?? Wats wit me?? Im super sleepy now & im counting down to GO HOME & SLeep!!!!

LOve u guys...Stay with me through all those troubled days ......

I believed there is rainbow at the end of the path.....Im searching it.....& im not letting go even i fall....

                                                   Lady Karma.....



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Lonely Lonely....

March 2 2009, 7:40 AM

 After so long...here i am blogging again...Life after marriage??? LONELY....It so hard to to express it aniwae...its like living w someone not there...im not complaining tho..its the life i choose & i have to live w it till i die..i cried few times to bed but i guess i jux being to emo sometimes....guess im wrong again huh...i thought marriage life was having someone to love & be care 4..someone that be there & listen...i felt empty sometime so alone & lost wondering y things happens e way i least expected...at times it gets bad but can\\\'t do much tho....werk was the onli joy..at least there is gst & frens that make me laugh and talk with me ..smile was the most magical things i have own in life...it hides everything in fact.....

Seriously nothing more to reali talk about...

hope some magic happens someday to change this cloudy road of mine....

Lady Karma


SeaShells: Well... Perhaps its only for "NOW" cos with the marriage... 03-12-09 10:06 AM

A roller Coster Ride....

December 5 2008, 4:19 PM

Its been a hard time for me lately...but i guess i have to learn to fight it...Sometimes hard times make me a stronger person & not to take things for granted..Learn that things never last for long and wat left out of it are memories..Sometimes its not having the people u love to be w u forever but its having them & making the best out of it...

In life sometimes we get blinded by all the things that come along our path...we neglected the ones we love & always tot they will be there.We hurt them for the slightest mistakes they did & not kwn'ing how much that hurts them ...But even though so..they still stick ard ...How could we not see that?

We can have all the money & things we want in life but not knw'ing wat we really need in life...We can buy an expensive bed but we can't buy a peaceful sleep...we can buy a house but we can't buy a home...we can buy a clock but we can't buy time...we can buy a book but we can't buy knowledge..We can buy position but we can't buy respect...We can buy blood but we can't buy life...We can buy sex but we can't buy love...One ting for sure we can't buy happiness...

Wen i was younger i have all the dreams a kid could possibly have...A simple home to come back to..A family to share my troubles & joy with...A simple2 things that make me hapie...But i guess those are just dreams...

I wish i could get over things that bothers me so much rite now....But i guess i jus have 2 learn to except n move on....HAIz..........



SeaShells: Wah.. i was really hoping u will blog and suddenly thers so... 12-07-08 08:10 AM

09 nites & hapie w it...

November 20 2008, 8:48 PM

i completed 09 night shift & im hapie about it....Thanks to Lia!! Money...MOney....Money....Jus reached home and can't get any slip yet, so jus felt like blogging....Days are getting nearer and there's alot of things to do....so tired...wanted to do  facial but dun reali want to go alone...my pimples starts to come out,and im freaking out...Hmm...must find someday to go,maybe drag Lia along..she knows betta of places to go huh...Haiz...Des got a new song recorded from You tube in his phone and its so cute...Who knows if Santa will be bringing 03 tooth for Des this Chrismas or maybe 3 new tooth growing overnite..Magic happens sometimes.....hehehe....Who knows if santa also will bring something for us tiz yr...haha (***wishing***) Maybe a purifier that detect fart & sucks all the germs & odour from the harmful substains from that fart. Coz any longger we will die toxicated....I think Santa will help us.i'll put that in the wishing list....hmmm...wat else shd i put..........No idea for now.......But i hope santa will come n grant everyone's wishes...I wish i could own "Happiness" and i wish my Family & friends will always be happy and far from sadness & hatred.....Hope so.....I wish tiz is not the end.....

Im sleepy.....i think its time gggggggggoooo........................



SeaShells: Santa Claus is coming to town... I want Pressies U want... 12-02-08 01:16 PM

I Believe

November 20 2008, 3:23 PM

I believe that the sun shines after the rain
I believe if you don't get hurt you'll never gain
I believe in not doing things the easy way
I believe that being selfish doesn’t pay

I believe in a second chance
I believe in love at first sight
I believe that revenge isn’t right
I believe that first impressions last
And there is nothing better than a good laugh

I believe that dreams do come true
I believe there's destiny for me and you
I believe that good things come to those who wait
I believe love never arrives too late

I believe something good comes from something bad
I believe that for tears of happiness there are tears of sad
I believe everyone has a guardian angel
And the good you do will be rewarded well

I believe sometimes there is no explanation
I believe money can't buy people's affection
I believe you don't know what you've got until it's gone
I believe a new day arrives with every dawn

I believe a smile can be contagious
I believe in being very outrageous
I believe in living with no regrets
I believe that life is as good as it gets

I believe that God watches over us
I believe the little things are worth the fuss
I believe you have each friend for a reason
I believe you will get punished for treason

I believe that what comes first is family
I believe we should all live in harmony
I believe in making the most of a beautiful day
And it's not the end until everything's okay

I believe absence makes the heart grow fonder
I believe you will lose if you sit and wonder
I believe every experience teaches you a lesson
And nothing cures better then a drinking session

I believe everyone has one true love
I believe sometimes we need a little shove
I believe the whole world is a stage
I believe we only get better with age

I believe that to learn you have to live
I believe that to love someone you have to give
I believe one moment can change your life
And there's still help when you’re in strive

I believe everyone has one true friend
I believe love helps a broken heart mend
I believe in the power of a song
And things will change before too long


I believe living is the best experience
I believe in not laughing at other people’s expense
I believe it’s hard to watch a lover leave
And when they’re gone all you can do is breath

I believe to always look on the bright side
I believe that life is just one big ride
I believe when I die people will grieve
But it’s ok because I believe

                                                                 Lady Karma.......


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  • 23 years old


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